Monday, March 8, 2010

This is Me!

There was an art display in the gallery in the Ferg. The photographs were of average women on campus and off to the side they said what they thought made them beautiful. The gallery was sponsored by the Women's Resource Center It was really cool to me to see women of all shapes, sizes and color on display. There were some photos displayed that did not measure up to today's standard of beauty. I love that photography gave those women a chance to challenge the norms of beauty to the masses on campus. It's easy to superficially look at women -and men as well- and not see what really makes them beautiful even if the aren't physically attractive.

I think the language presentation in class on Gillian Wearing further drives home the point. Just as we see the images of "regular" people holding up signs to say what they really think, feel or who they really are the captions to the portraits provided by the women photographed force us to reconsider them and the presumptions we have.

1 comment:

Christopher Jordan said...

Good. Based on your comments, you might find the work of Kenneth Lum and Rineke Dijkstra interesting